Savannah Bond Hearing Lawyer

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Savannah Bond Hearing Attorney

In Georgia, the defendant is entitled to a bond hearing within 72 hours of arrest. If no bond is set or it is set too high, the defendant can petition for another bond hearing. This is oftentimes done to not only attempt to get the client out of jail, but also to gain a better understanding of the case before arraignment. An experienced bond hearing attorney in Savannah, GA at Jarret Maillet J.D., P.C. can help.

If you are charged with a crime and arrested, a bond hearing is a hearing that is held before a Magistrate, Municipal Court Judge or Circuit Court Judge to determine whether or not a Defendant will be released on bond prior to his or her court date.

Savannah Bond Hearing Attorney

When you are arrested, either on a felony or misdemeanor charge, you have the right to post bond or participate in a hearing to determine if bond should be posted and the bond amount. The hearing will be primarily used to determine if you are a flight risk or if you pose any harm to the general public. The judge will also take into consideration whether you are likely to try and intimidate witnesses should you be released.

If you are preparing for a bond hearing, Georgia bond hearings attorneys at Jarrett Maillet J.D., P.C. are available to provide you with strategic direction and serve as your legal counsel at the hearing. Our Savannah bond hearing attorneys have extensive experience helping people obtain bail and will meet with you in order to learn all the specifics surrounding your arrest and advise you on how best to proceed.

If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime, you may be kept in custody during the pendency of your case. In Georgia, you have the right to a bond hearing. At this hearing, the court will examine the evidence to determine whether you pose a danger to the public or of intimidating witnesses, whether there is a significant risk you will commit a felony or whether there is a significant risk you will flee. If you bail is denied, you will be forced to remain in jail while your case proceeds.

At Jarrett Maillet J.D., P.C., our Savannah bond hearing lawyers have successfully obtained bail for hundreds of clients facing both misdemeanor and felony charges. As former prosecutors, we know the law, the procedures and how to make the criminal justice system work for our clients.

There are several different kinds of bonds a judge can grant:

  • Own Recognizance (OR) or Signature Bond (SOB): with an Own Recognizance bond a person is not required to put up any type of collateral to secure his or her promise to appear in court. A signature Bond is slightly different. A person is still not required to put up any type of collateral to secure his or her promise to appear in court, but if they fail to do so, they will be required to pay a monetary court fine.
  • Surety Bond: a bonding company posts the bond on a person’s behalf. Bonding companies usually charge a fee of around 10-15% of the bond amount before posting the rest to the jail to secure a person’s release.
  • Property Bond: in this case, property is used as the collateral to secure a person’s promise to appear in court.
  • Cash Bond: with a cash bond, a person pays the bond in cash directly to the jail. If the person never fails to appear in court, once the case is resolved, the money will be returned.

If you or a loved one is in jail, it is important that you retain a trained advocate who understands the system and can help to secure that person’s release. When a person is being held in jail, our primary goal is to secure their release if possible. Contact the Savannah, GA bond hearing attorneys at Jarrett Maillet J.D., P.C. today at (912) 713-3426 for a free initial consultation if you or someone you know is in jail.
